Scope of each SmartLoan User
- Admin: a company employee or contractor. Add, edit, view, delete in any part of the app. No restrictions.
- Manager: a company employee or contractor. Add, edit, view, delete in any part of the app. No restrictions.
- Processor: can change loan status, upload attachment, as well as edit loan items. Loans: no restrictions, except they see only loans assigned to them.
- Underwriter: access to the loans assigned to them, Lenders, and Guests, but cannot create new non-Guest Users.
- Compliance: access to the entire loan pipeline for misc management. Also able to view/edit Borrower info, Documents, Doc Categories, Email Templates, Lenders, the SmartList, and Guests, but cannot create new non-Guest Users.
- Loan Specialist: limited access to perform specialized tasks. Able to view/edit Lenders, loans assigned to them, and Guests, but cannot create new non-Guest Users.
- Broker: able to view loans in their pipeline, view loan statuses, upload additional docs, view communication history, leave a note or comment.
- If multiple Loan Officers are working for a Broker, the Broker has access to loans for all Loan Officers.
- Loan Officer: able to view loans in their pipeline, view loan statuses, upload additional docs, view communication history, leave a note or comment.
- Loan Officer Assistant: able to register new loans for any Loan Officer, and also see all of the Broker\’s loans for misc management.
- Real Estate Agent: access to the Borrower Dashboard using the borrow\’s encrypted link for status checks.