Edit a Broker’s Preferred Lenders, Processing Fees, and other options
Various Broker options are set when adding a new Broker. These fees are inherited by the Loan Officer. These options include the Processing Fees charged to the Broker, the Broker’s Preferred Lenders, Credit Vendor, and some access information.
These options show up on the Loan Registration page. For example, when a Broker or Loan Officer is registering a new loan, the form contains a dropdown list with the Preferred Lenders. This list is populated by the lenders you saved in the Broker’s options.
To add more or edit these options later:
- Click the Guests link in the menu.
- Click
- Scroll down to the option and edit.
Note: There are three boxes, which are the Name, Value and Note.
- Click Update.
To add a new option, simply click the +Add New link at the top of the window.