How does a Borrower upload files? Borrowers, Communication, Tikit SmartLoan Borrower, Communication, Loan, Send Email, Send Text, View Communication History
View Communication History for a Loan Communication, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Borrower, Communication, Loan, Send Email, Send Text, View Communication History
Send a Text Message Communication, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Communication, SmartTools, Text Message, Text Templates, View Communication History
Attach a File to an Email Communication, Emails, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Attach File, Communication, Send Email, SmartTools
Send an Email Communication, Emails, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Communication, Communication History, Email templates, Send Mail, SmartTools
Available Shortcodes for Email Templates Communication, Emails, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Communication, Email templates, Shortcodes, SmartTools
What are the Shortcodes I see in the Email Templates Communication, Emails, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Communication, Email templates, Shortcodes, SmartTools
Email and Text Message Templates Communication, SmartTools, Tikit SmartLoan Add New Email Templates, Communication, Edit Email Templates, Email templates, SmartTools